Hi I am Gemma Gardiner, Personal Trainer, Nutritionist, Weight loss coach and Sports Therapist.
My passion is to help people navigate and understand the world of Fitness, Nutrition and your general well being.
I know most people are bored and unimpressed of the 'I can make you skinny' and 'get abs in 2 weeks' jargon and, never really being given the right tool kit to get you anywhere near your goals.
The one thing you need to know about me is I am not your run of the mill
Personal Trainer.
I am what I like to call a Fit Foodie
I am determined to create tasty dishes and enjoyable workouts to assist with creating a healthy lifestyle.
No more dreaded feelings of hunger or FOMO
I am slim, healthy and more energized now than I have ever been
My Mission........
To prove that anyone is capable of obtaining a great figure and, keeping it, without jeopardizing their health, time or bank account.
To show you that when you take the pressure off to look a certain way and focus on achievable goals and workouts you enjoy, weight reduces, energy rises and your lifestyle improves.
And finally, if you want to reach your goal you have to work on your own health in your own way.
When you change your mindset regarding food and exercise, you find a way to make it work for you. It will very quickly become clear these changes are fun and very tasty.
Invest in YOU!
At 15 years old I was advised by a Physiotherapist that I would never dance again due to a knee injury, this left me devastated and sent me into a spiral of depression.
Then I met a personal trainer who changed my life.
I was at least 2 stone overweight and was eating and drinking very badly.
He put me on a path that was fun and easy to do, and over 6 months I not only transformed my body but, healed my knee and changed my entire mental health.
This is when I decided I wanted to be able to do that for others, I thought he had the best job in the world and I was right.
Nearly 20 years later, I have helped many people rebuild their bodies, minds and spirits and worked with some amazing professionals along the way, who have mentored and supported me in achieving my goals.
I have gone on to work with Celebrities, Olympic athletes, body builders, people with disabilities and many different levels of skills and abilities.
I am a true believer in health equals wealth, and who doesn't want to be wealthy!
My journey over the past year
Below are 3 pictures taken of me over the past year. Where I started to where I am now. Getting your nutrition right and enjoying your workouts really gives lasting results.